Spider veins (thread veins) are small red, weblike networks of blood vessels that can
appear on the surface of your legs, feet, or face. They are usually harmless, but some
people may want to remove them for cosmetic reasons. In some cases, spider veins can
also cause pain or burning sensation, especially after standing for long periods. Spider
veins can occur on your legs or feet if the valves that are present in your veins get
damaged. As a result of this, blood may not flow freely through the valves, and begin to
pool inside, causing a bulge. These veins can appear on the face due to many factors
including sun damage, bursting of blood vessels, and increased pressure in the area.
Dermatologists treat spider veins with the help of laser light by directing the light
directly at the veins, without causing any damage to your skin. Removal of spider veins
with the help of laser light is a painless, non-invasive treatment that will completely
clear the appearance of spider veins after 3-4 treatments.